Fiche technique |
That was the instruction this homeowner gave to his appointed specialist Audio Visual installer. It took some lateral thinking but this they did and integrated a state of the art Home Cinema into the same space!
Traditionally people hesitate when installing Home Cinema and pools together for a number of reasons:
- Safety – While the projector is well out of reach, speakers can often be splashed
- Design – Popularly swimming pools are spartan in design to create a relaxing minimalist space. Jutting speakers or grilles blemish this
- Sound quality – pools have many hard surfaces physically and acoustically which often creates undesirable audio effects
The installer, however, had an ace up their sleeve to solve these issues: Amina’s Invisible Loudspeakers. And as the name suggests, these are not your traditional loudspeakers.
For a start, once installed, they are totally invisible, no grill, no anything, just a completely smooth wall or ceiling. The loudspeakers are actually plastered into your wall or ceiling. The installation process is unique but simple. Create a void within a plasterboard or ceiling opening, mount the speakers into the space, skim over with 1-2mm plaster skim, let the plaster dry and the walls are ready for decoration. The process is just as simple for solid walls. This process renders them totally invisible and protected from the everyday splashes and sprays from the pool.
That is two out of the three highlighted challenges solved.
Now for the third challenge:
In fact Amina Invisible Loudspeakers are no ordinary loudspeakers they mimic the way an acoustic instrument, such as a violin or acoustic guitar, generates sounds.
The result of this is that the audio produced by the speakers is diffused and non-coherent. This makes them significantly better for acoustically reflective environments i.e. a room full of hard surfaces, as is the case here.
Of course to the user they don’t need to know any of this. All they have to know is that once they have enjoyed the pleasures of a swim they can continue to relax beside the pool watching the latest movies or TV in their own cinema.